Saturday, May 26, 2012

Day 7-Saturday... Munich, Germany

After a rather late night celebrating at the castle, we were all up and ready to make the 6+ hour drive to Munich. So we all loaded up in the van and made our way out of Braunschweig to Munich. However, we made one quick pit-stop on the way at a Memorial site for the Division of Germany, more importantly this was once a checkpoint for going to and from East or West Germany. Here many of the original buildings from the checkpoint are still standing and one was made into a museum. One of the barracks building was also on display along with a few of the massive towers of lights. Back when the Berlin wall was still standing, there were no shadows at this checkpoint because the large number of spotlights on towers and buildings.
View from entrance

Look-out tower

Overview of the memorial

Duff Beer! Found at a stop along the Autobahn

View from the van on the Autobahn

Fun windmill spotted along the way!

The journey from Braunschweig to Munich, actually to Freising, a suburb of Munich, was broken up by stops at various rest areas along the Autobahn to refuel on caffeine, chocolate and ice cream. We even discovered that you can use multiple potty coupons per purchase! We even found some Legendary Duff Beer! After we finally made it to our hotel and everyone got checked in, we ventured out to find the City Square of Freising for supper. We ended up at the Hofbrauhaus, which is one of the oldest and most famous brew pubs of Germany and has a very iconic location in Munich. Of course the Pils was excellent and the spargel soup was even more amazing!!! After dinner we began our leisurely stroll back to the hotel, but with a stop for ice cream first! Tomorrow we tackle Munich!

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